发布人:周万蓬  发布时间:2018-10-12   动态浏览次数:1401

吴伟成(Weicheng Wu),巴黎第十一大学 (Univ Paris XI) 环境工程硕士 (1998) 和巴黎第一大学(Univ Paris I)环境地理学博士 (2003),是东华理工大学数字化国土重点实验室特聘教授。

吴博士是国际环境地理学者、遥感专家,具有32年的工作经验。除了地球科学背景外 [地质工程学士 (1986)、硕士 (1995)11年的地球科学方面的教学和科研工作(助教和讲师)],吴博士拥有21年在欧洲 [法国科研中心 (CNRS)地理实验室(PRODIG-UMR8586)、巴黎高等研究实践学院 (EPHE)、比利时鲁汶大学 (Univ Louvain)、意大利萨萨里大学 (Univ Sassari)] 和 联合国与世界银行共管的国际干旱地区农业研究中心 (ICARDA) 从事地球空间信息技术 (Geospatial Technology) 在环境监测、资源评价及灾害识别和预警等领域应用的国际经历。

他参与并部分引领了20多项由法国科研中心、欧共体、欧洲空间局 (ESA) 和世界财团 (比如:AusAID, CGIAR, IFAD, UNDP, USAID等)支助的在环境动态监测及灾害评价、土地资源调查、碳吸收/排放分析等方面的国际合作研发项目。他的项目工作区遍布于中亚、西亚 、南亚(比如:阿富汗、伊拉克、叙利亚、黎巴嫩、约旦、土耳其、印度、巴基斯坦和孟加拉国等),东非、北非、西非 (比如:毛里塔尼亚、摩洛哥、突尼斯、埃塞俄比亚、苏丹等),欧洲地中海 (意大利、葡萄牙、西班牙和希腊等)及中国西部地区。他的研发为世界上贫穷的发展中国家或地区的脱贫提供技术支持,为它们的可持续环境资源利用提供科学依据。

他已经发表了70余篇国际会议和期刊论文,是20多种在遥感、环境、土壤和地理领域的世界顶级SCI期刊的评审人和多个世界性学术讨论会的科学委员会成员。他是“国际水、环境、能源和社会协会” (IAWEES) 理事会成员和该联盟在中国办公室 (Country Office) 主任。2018年,作为高端人才引进,吴博士入职东华理工大学。

他的研究兴趣和方向:地球空间信息技术、环境灾害监测、土地资源(农林牧业资源)动态变化及粮食安全、土地使用引起的碳吸收和排放、气候变化对环境资源尤其对水资源的影响、“人-环” 相互作用和环境资源可持续利用分析等。


Email: wuwc030903@sina.com/Wuwch@ecit.cn

Phone: 18970847278



澳大利亚国际农业研究中心ACIAR)支助的 “Integrated Salinity Management in Central and Southern Iraq”项目课题A “伊拉克区域性土地盐碱化调查负责人,2010-2014;总经费:Au$ 228 万 (我支配经费: Au$26.4万)

欧共体-国际农业发展基金(EU-IFAD)支助的 “Integrated Wheat and Legume Cropping System” 项目(范围:叙利亚、约旦、黎巴嫩、埃及、苏丹、突尼斯、摩洛哥、阿尔及利亚等)北非突尼斯和摩洛哥小麦和豆科作物长势监测、估产和预警系统设计课题负责人,2013-2015; 总经费:US$ 225 万(我支配经费: US$11.5万)

国际农业研究协商组织(CGIAR) 支助的 “CRP3.5 Project on Better Targeting the Opportunity of Grain Legume” 项目框架下 “南亚豆科作物环境和土地适应性评价(包括印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国和斯里兰卡)” 课题负责人,2012-2017,总经费: US$ 452.9 (我支配的经费: US$ 30.2)

澳大利亚国际农业研究中心 (ACIAR/AusAID) 支助的 ‘Integrated Catchment Management Project in Afghanistan”项目中 “Sayyad流域范围土地资源评价课题负责人,2012-2016,总经费: Au$ 537.5 万(我支配的经费:Au$22.6万)


2) 期刊论文

Weicheng Wu, Claudio Zucca, Ahmad S. Muhaimeed, Waleed M. Al-Shafie, Ayad M. Fadhil Al-Quraishi, Vinay Nangia, Minqiang Zhu and Guangping Liu, 2018. Soil salinity prediction and mapping by machine learning regression in Central Mesopotamia. Land Degradation & Development . Published online on Sept 05, 2018. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ldr.3148[SCI IF: 7.270, 一区]

Weicheng Wu, Claudio Zucca, Fadi Karam and Guangping Liu, 2016. Enhancing the performance of regional land cover mapping. International Journal of Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 52: 422-432 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2016.07.014) [SCI IF: 4.002, 二区]

Fadi Karam, Nabil Amacha, Wassim Katerji, Weicheng Wu, Alfonso Domínguez, 2016. Using remote sensing to improve crop water allocation in a scarce water resources environment. InternationalJournal of Science and Research (IJSR), 5(1): 1481-1495.

Boubaker Dhehibi, Roberto Telleria, Aden Aw-Hassan, Saad Hatem Mohamed, Feras Ziadat and Weicheng Wu, 2015. Impacts of Soil Salinity on the Productivity of Al-Musayyeb Small Farms in Iraq: An Examination of Technical, Economic and Allocative Efficiency. Agricultural Economics Review, 16(2): 42-55.

Claudio Zucca, Weicheng Wu, Leonarda Dessena and Maurizio Mulas, 2015: Assessing the effectiveness of land restoration interventions in drylands by multitemporal remote sensing – a case study in Ouled Dlim (Marrakech, Morocco). Land Degradation & Development, 26 (1): 80-91 (DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2307)[SCI IF: 7.270, 一区]

Weicheng Wu, Waleed M. Al-Shafie, Ahmed S. Mhaimeed, Feras Ziadat, Vinay Nangia and William Payne, 2014: Soil salinity mapping by multiscale remote sensing in Mesopotamia, Iraq. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(11): 4442-4452 (DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2360411) [SCIE IF: 2.777, 二区]

Weicheng Wu, Ahmad S. Mhaimeed, Waleed M. Al-Shafie, Feras Ziadat, Vinay Nangia and Eddy De Pauw, 2014:Mapping soil salinity changes using remote sensing in Central Iraq, Geoderma Regional, 2-3: 21-31 (DOI: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2014.09.002).

Weicheng Wu, 2014: The Generalized Difference Vegetation Index (GDVI) for dryland characterization. Remote Sensing, 6 (2): 1211-1233 (DOI:10.3390/rs6021211) [SCIE IF: 3.406, 二区]

Weicheng Wu, Eddy De Pauw and Claudio Zucca, 2013: Use remote sensing to assess impacts of land management policies in the Ordos rangelands in China. International Journal of Digital Earth, 6 (Supplement 2) : 81-102 (DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2013.825656) [SCIE IF: 2.746, 二区]

Weicheng Wu, Eddy De Pauw and Ulf Hellden, 2013: Assessing woody biomass in African tropical savannas by multiscale remote sensing. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(13): 4525–4549 (DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2013.777487) [SCI IF: 1.782, 三区]


Weicheng Wu, Ahmad S. Muhaimeed, Waleed M. Al-Shafie, and Ayad M. Fadhil Al-Quraishi, 2018. Using Radar and Optical Data for Soil Salinity Modeling and Mapping in Central Iraq. In: A.M. Fadhil, A. Negm (Eds), Environmental Remote Sensing in Iraq, Springer (in press). 专题书籍章节

Weicheng Wu, Ahmad S. Mhaimeed, Waleed Al-Shafie, Ayad M. Fadhil, 2018. Application of ALOS L-band radar data in soil salinity modeling and mapping in Central Iraq. International Workshop On Climate Change and Soil Salinity Dynamics: Threats and Challenges, Apr.11-12, 2018, Manama, Bahrain (Keynote speech and Chapter in press). 受邀大会主旨演讲专题书籍章节

Weicheng Wu, 2018. A brief review on soil salinity mapping by optical and radar remote sensing. In: J.C. Dagar (Ed.), Research Developments in Saline Agriculture-A Compendium, Springer (Chapter in press).

Weicheng Wu, Eddy De Pauw, Claudio Zucca and Minqiang Zhu, 2018. Carbon emissions caused by woodland fires in the African tropical savannas. 5th International Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society (ICWEES 2018), May 08-11, 2018, Hotel Edan Star, Djerba-Zarsis, Tunisia, 大会报告和数字化摘要.

Weicheng Wu, Ayad M. Fadhill, Claudio Zucca, Ahmad S. Mhaimeed, Waleed Al-Shafie, 2016. Impacts of climate change on rangeland productivity in Western Asia. Presented in the United Nations Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Dust Storm and Drought Monitoring in the Middle East Region. Nov 05-09, 2016, Tehran, Iran,受邀大会报告.

Ahmad S. Mhaimeed, Weicheng Wu, Waleed M. AL-Shafie, Feras Ziadat, Hassan H. Al-Musawi, Kasim A. Saliem, 2013: Use Remote Sensing To Map Soil Salinity in the Musaib Area in Central Iraq. International Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics, pp.34-41 (ISSN: 2052-5591), 大会报告和论文集.

Weicheng Wu, Claudio Zucca, Leonarda Dessena and Maurizio Mulas. 2013. Using SPOT Imagery to Assess the Effectiveness of Combating Desertification in Marrakech, Morocco. Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Agro-Geoinformatics 2013, Fairfax, USA. Aug 12-16, pp. 543-546 (DOI: 10.1109/Argo-Geoinformatics.2013.6621980), 大会报告和论文集.

Weicheng Wu, Waleed Al-Shafie, Ahmad Mhaimeed, Binan Dardar, Feras Ziadat and William Payne, 2013. Multiscale Salinity Mapping in Central and Southern Iraq by Remote Sensing. Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Agro-Geoinformatics 2013, Fairfax, USA. Aug 12-16, pp.470-475 (DOI: 10.1109/Argo-Geoinformatics.2013.6621965). 大会报告和论文集.

Boubaker Dhehibi, Roberto Telleria, Aden Aw-Hassan, Saad Hatem Mohamed, Feras Ziadat and Weicheng Wu, 2013. Economic Impacts of Salinity on Livelihoods: The case of Al-Musayyeb in Iraq. In: N. Lamaddalena, M. Todorovic, L.S. Pereira (Eds.),Proceedings of the Conference on Water, Environment and Agriculture: Challenges for Sustainable Development, pp.200-201, Sep 10-14, 2013, Bari, Italy, 大会报告和论文集.

Weicheng Wu, Ahmad S. Mhaimeed, Waleed M. Al-Shafie, Ayad A. Hameed, Hassan H. Al-Musawi, Abdu Jabbar Khalaf, Kasim A. Salim, Feras Ziadat and Binan Dardar.2013: Multitemporal soil salinity mapping by remote sensing in the Dujaila area in Central Iraq. Presented in the International Conference on Agricultural Technologies in Arid Lands. Mar.19-21, 2013, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 大会报告和论文集.

English Version

Prof Dr WU Weicheng, Master in Environmental Engineering, University of Paris XI (Paris-Sud, 1998) and PhD in Geography, University of Paris 1 (Pantheon-Sorbonne, 2003), is full-time professor at the key Laboratory of Digital Land & Resources, East China University of Technology. He is one of the finalists of the Jiangxi Thousand Talents Plan”, candidate of the National “Thousand Talents Plan” and winner as one of the “Top Ten Chinese Scientists in Europe” of 2018.

Dr Wu is an environmental geographer and international remote sensing expert with more than 32 years of working experience. In addition to his background in Earth Sciences [B. Eng (1986) and M.Eng (1995) and 11 years of teaching and research in geoscience (Assistant and Lecturer)], Dr Wu has gained 21 years of international experiences in European institutions [e.g., Geographical laboratory (PRODIG-UMR8586) of the National Scientific Research Center (CNRS), the Institute for Advanced Research and Studies (EPHE) in Paris in France, the University of Louvain in Belgium, the University of Sassari in Italy] and in international organization, i.e., the International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas, ICARDA). He has been engaged in R&D activities in the fields of environmental monitoring, land resource assessment and natural disaster identification and early warning using geospatial technology.

Apart from the projects in China, he has been involved in and partially led 20 international cooperation R&D projects funded by different international consortiums such as ADB, AusAID, CGIAR, ESA, EU, IFAD, UNDP and USAID, etc. His projects were mainly distributed in Central and Western Asia (e.g., Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey), Western, Northern and Tropical Africa (e.g., Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Sudan), the Mediterranean Region (e.g., Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece), and Northwestern China. His research was aimed at providing technical support for eradicating the poverty of the rural people in the developing countries or regions including those that have suffered from wars, and a scientific basis for their sustainable use of environmental resources.

He has published more than 70 international proceedings and peer-reviewed journal papers, and is reviewer of more than 20 world's top SCI journals in remote sensing, environmental sciences and geography, and has played a key role in scientific committees of a number of international symposia. He is member of the council of the International Association of Water, Environment, Energy and Society (IAWEES) and Director of the Country Office of this association in China. In 2018, Dr. Wu joined the East China University of Technology as full-time professor.

His research interests include Dynamic change assessment in land resources (agriculture, forest and rangeland) and food security, Land use-related carbon sink and emission analysis, Assessing impacts of climate change on environmental resources, Basin-scale water accounting, Analysis of human-environmental interaction and Sustainable use of environmental resources, and identification of human-induced or natural disaster risks.



Email: wuwc030903@sina.com; wuwch@ecit.cn

His projects and published works in the recent 5 years:


·Application of the big-data geospatial information technology in sustainable environmental resource utilization, funded by East China University of Technology as Research Start Fund for Talented Scientist (ref.: DHTP080001), budget RMB 1 500 000, project area: China, Central and Western Asia, and Tropical Africa, 2018-2021.

·Integrated Catchment Management Project in Afghanistan (Coordinator: Javed Rizvi), leading scientist and manager of the RS/GIS Component: “Land resources investigation in the Sayyad watershed area”, funded by AusAID, total budget Au$ 5 375 000, 2012-2016.

·Integrated Wheat and Legume Cropping System Project (Coordinators: Michael Baum and Mohamed Kharrat), leading scientist and manager of the RS/GIS Component: “Spring crop performance monitoring, and yield estimation in North Africa”, funded by EU-IFAD, US$ 2 250 000, 2013-2015.

·CRP3.5 Project on Better Targeting the Opportunity of Grain Legume (Coordinator: Shiv Kumar Agrawal), leading scientist and manager of the RS/GIS Component: “Land suitability assessment for legume plantation in Southern Asia”, funded by CGIAR, total budget US$ 4 529 000, 2012-2017.

·CRP5 Project on Development of Water Accounting System for Orontes Basin in Syria (PI: Vinay Nangia), Key Participant, funded by CGIAR, total budget US$250 000, 2013-2015.

·Participant (Coordinator: Kamel Shideed) of the Harmonized System for Agricultural Development (HSAD) Project in Iraq, funded by USAID, total budget US$ 2 000 000, 2013-2014.

·On-farm Soil Salinity Management in Al-Nassiriah Area in Iraq Project, leader and manager of Component 1: “Assessment of the trends in soil salinity and agricultural productivity in Al-Nassiriah, funded by the Italian Government, with total budget US$ 1 090 000, 2011-2013.

·Integrated Salinity Management in Central and Southern Iraq Project (Coordinator: Manzoor Qadir), leader and manager of Component A: “Regional soil salinity mapping and assessment”, sponsored by ACIAR, Au$ 2 280 000, 2010-2014.

Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals in the past 5 years:

Weicheng Wu, Claudio Zucca, Ahmad S. Muhaimeed, Waleed M. Al-Shafie, Ayad M. Fadhil Al-Quraishi, Vinay Nangia, Minqiang Zhu and Guangping Liu, 2018. Soil salinity prediction and mapping by machine learning regression in Central Mesopotamia. Land Degradation & Development. Online since Sept 05, 2018. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ldr.3148[SCI IF: 7.270]

Weicheng Wu, Claudio Zucca, Fadi Karam and Guangping Liu, 2016. Enhancing the performance of regional land cover mapping. International Journal of Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 52: 422-432 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2016.07.014). [SCI IF: 4.002]

Fadi Karam, Nabil Amacha, Wassim Katerji, Weicheng Wu, Alfonso Domínguez, 2016. Using remote sensing to improve crop water allocation in a scarce water resources environment. InternationalJournal of Science and Research (IJSR), 5(1): 1481-1495.

Boubaker Dhehibi, Roberto Telleria, Aden Aw-Hassan, Saad Hatem Mohamed, Feras Ziadat and Weicheng Wu, 2015. Impacts of Soil Salinity on the Productivity of Al-Musayyeb Small Farms in Iraq: An Examination of Technical, Economic and Allocative Efficiency. Agricultural Economics Review, 16(2): 42-55.

Claudio Zucca, Weicheng Wu, Leonarda Dessena and Maurizio Mulas, 2015: Assessing the effectiveness of land restoration interventions in drylands by multitemporal remote sensing – a case study in Ouled Dlim (Marrakech, Morocco). Land Degradation & Development, 26 (1): 80-91 (DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2307). [SCI IF: 7.270]

Weicheng Wu, Waleed M. Al-Shafie, Ahmed S. Mhaimeed, Feras Ziadat, Vinay Nangia and William Payne, 2014: Soil salinity mapping by multiscale remote sensing in Mesopotamia, Iraq. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(11): 4442-4452 (DOI:10.1109/JSTARS.2014.2360411). [SCIE IF: 2.777]

Weicheng Wu, Ahmad S. Mhaimeed, Waleed M. Al-Shafie, Feras Ziadat, Vinay Nangia and Eddy De Pauw, 2014:Mapping soil salinity changes using remote sensing in Central Iraq, Geoderma Regional, 2-3: 21-31 (DOI: 10.1016/j.geodrs.2014.09.002).

Weicheng Wu, 2014: The Generalized Difference Vegetation Index (GDVI) for dryland characterization. Remote Sensing, 6 (2): 1211-1233 (DOI:10.3390/rs6021211). [SCIE IF: 3.406]

Weicheng Wu, Eddy De Pauw and Claudio Zucca, 2013: Use remote sensing to assess impacts of land management policies in the Ordos rangelands in China. International Journal of Digital Earth, 6 (Supplement 2): 81-102 (DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2013.825656). [SCIE IF: 2.746]

Weicheng Wu, Eddy De Pauw and Ulf Hellden, 2013: Assessing woody biomass in African tropical savannas by multiscale remote sensing. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(13): 4525–4549 (DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2013.777487). [SCI IF: 1.782]

Chapters, Proceeding Papers and Presentations

Weicheng Wu, Ahmad S. Muhaimeed, Waleed M. Al-Shafie, and Ayad M. Fadhil Al-Quraishi, 2018. Using Radar and Optical Data for Soil Salinity Modeling and Mapping in Central Iraq. In: A.M. Fadhil, A. Negm (Eds), Environmental Remote Sensing in Iraq, Springer (Chapter in press).

Weicheng Wu, Ahmad S. Mhaimeed, Waleed Al-Shafie, Ayad M. Fadhil, 2018. Application of ALOS L-band radar data in soil salinity modeling and mapping in Central Iraq. International Workshop On Climate Change and Soil Salinity Dynamics: Threats and Challenges, Apr.11-12, 2018, Manama, Bahrain (Keynote speech and Chapter in press).

Weicheng Wu, 2018. A brief review on soil salinity mapping by optical and radar remote sensing. In: J.C. Dagar (Ed.), Research Developments in Saline Agriculture-A Compendium, Springer (Chapter in press).

Weicheng Wu, Eddy De Pauw, Claudio Zucca, Minqiang Zhu, 2018. Carbon emissions caused by woodland fires in the African tropical savannas. 5th International Conference on Water, Environment, Energy and Society (ICWEES 2018), May 08-11, 2018, Hotel Edan Star, Djerba-Zarsis, Tunisia.

Weicheng Wu, Ayad M. Fadhill, Claudio Zucca, Ahmad S. Mhaimeed, Waleed Al-Shafie, 2016. Impacts of climate change on rangeland productivity in Western Asia. Presented in the United Nations Workshop on the Use of Space Technology for Dust Storm and Drought Monitoring in the Middle East Region. Nov 05-09, 2016, Tehran, Iran.

Ahmad S. Mhaimeed, Weicheng Wu, Waleed M. AL-Shafie, Feras Ziadat, Hassan H. Al-Musawi, Kasim A. Saliem, 2013: Use remote sensing to map soil salinity in the Mussaib area in Central Iraq. International Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics, pp.34-41 (ISSN: 2052-5591).

Weicheng Wu, Claudio Zucca, Leonarda Dessena and Maurizio Mulas. 2013. Using SPOT imagery to assess the effectiveness of combating desertification in Marrakech, Morocco. Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Agro-Geoinformatics 2013, Fairfax, USA. Aug 12-16, pp. 543-546 (DOI: 10.1109/Argo-Geoinformatics.2013.6621980).

Weicheng Wu, Waleed Al-Shafie, Ahmad Mhaimeed, Binan Dardar, Feras Ziadat and William Payne, 2013. Multiscale salinity mapping in Central and Southern Iraq by remote sensing. Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Agro-Geoinformatics 2013, Fairfax, USA. Aug 12-16, pp.470-475 (DOI: 10.1109/Argo-Geoinformatics.2013.6621965).

Boubaker Dhehibi, Roberto Telleria, Aden Aw-Hassan, Saad Hatem Mohamed, Feras Ziadat and Weicheng Wu, 2013. Economic impacts of salinity on livelihoods: The case of Al-Musayyeb in Iraq. In: N. Lamaddalena, M. Todorovic, L.S. Pereira (Eds.),Proceedings of the Conference on Water, Environment and Agriculture: Challenges for Sustainable Development, pp.200-201, Sep 10-14, 2013, Bari, Italy.

Weicheng Wu, Ahmad S. Mhaimeed, Waleed M. Al-Shafie, Ayad A. Hameed, Hassan H. Al-Musawi, Abdu Jabbar Khalaf, Kasim A. Salim, Feras Ziadat and Binan Dardar.2013: Multitemporal soil salinity mapping by remote sensing in the Dujaila area in Central Iraq. Presented in the International Conference on Agricultural Technologies in Arid Lands. Mar.19-21, 2013, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.